Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to Creat Keyboard Sortcut in Photoshop CS

Photoshop includes keyboard shortcuts for a variety of tasks. You can work more efficiently if you use shortcuts for the tools that you use most often. Many of the tools in the toolbox already have keyboard
shortcuts assigned. Still, you may find yourself going to the menu to select an item, such as the Gaussian Blur filter, so often that a personalized keyboard shortcut is very useful and a huge timesaver.
You can easily create your own custom keyboard shortcuts to fit your workflow. You can even change the ones that Photoshop has already assigned to something that you can remember better.
Step1. Click Edit
Step2.Click Keyboard Shortcuts.
Step3.Click here nd selct Application Menus.
Step4.Click the Filter( select your choice that you want creat shortcut) expand arrow.
The Filter are listed along with any existing keyboard sortcuts.

Step5.Scroll down to the filter to which you want to add shortcut.
Step6.Click the filter.
The filter is highlighted, and an empty data field appears under the Shortcut column.

Step7.Press  (Ctrl) and type your shortcut binthe data field.
Note: A shortcut must contain either (Ctrl) or an F key in the name.
Step8 Click Accept.
The Photoshop Defaults set is modified toinclude your shortcut.
Step9. Click OK to finish adding your custom keyboard shortcut.

Did You Know?

The Keyboard Shortcuts
andMenus dialog box is
found under both the Edit
menu and the Window ➔
Workspace menu. You can
also access the Keyboard
Shortcuts and Menus dialog
box by using a keyboard
shortcut — Ô+Shift+
Option+K (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+K).

Try This!

You can save a list of the
default Photoshop keyboard
shortcuts or your customized
shortcuts. Click Summarize
inthe Keyboard Shortcuts
and Menus dialog box and
save the file as Photoshop
Defaults.htm. Open the
fileand print the list for

More Options!

Click the Shortcuts For arrow
to select Palette Menus or
Tools. Then click the expand
arrow next to the palette
name or tool and type your
shortcut. You can even save a
keyboard shortcut set with a
custom workspace!


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